Cocker Spaniel leaving pawprints on clean carpet

How to Maintain a Clean Carpet

How to Maintain a Clean Carpet

Professional deep cleaning is recommended every 6 to 12 months, but if you’re looking to keep your carpet clean and comfortable in between visits, regular upkeep is key. Here’s a handy guide on how to maintain a clean carpet and keep it free from dirt, stains, and allergens.

Vacuum Regularly

Regular vacuuming is your first line of defence against dirt and debris. Vacuum high-traffic areas at least twice a week and less frequented areas once a week. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to capture allergens effectively.

Use Welcome Mats

Placing mats at entry points can help maintain the amount of dirt and moisture brought into your home. Encourage guests to wipe their feet before entering.

Shoes Off Indoors

Implement a “no shoes indoors” policy to minimise the transfer of dirt and germs from outside to your carpet.

Rotate Furniture

Heavy furniture can cause permanent indentations in your carpet. Regularly move furniture around to distribute the weight and prevent these impressions.

Trim Pet Hair

If you have pets, regular grooming can help minimise the amount of hair that ends up on your carpet. Use a vacuum cleaner with a pet-specific attachment to effectively remove pet hair.

Regularly Replace Filters

If your home has a central heating and cooling system, regularly replace the filters to prevent dust and allergen circulation.

By following these simple yet effective tips for how to maintain a clean carpet, you can prolong the life of your carpet.

Cocker Spaniel leaving pawprints on clean carpet

A coffee spill staining a beige carpet

Carpet Catastrophes: The Top 5 Spills to Avoid at All Costs

Carpet Catastrophes: The Top 5 Spills to Avoid at All Costs

Accidental spills on carpets are a common occurrence, but certain things can cause more than just a little inconvenience—they can leave lasting damage that’s difficult to reverse. Here are the top five spills to avoid at all costs.

1. Coffee and Tea

If you can’t find a carpet cleaner particularly made for these drinks, or a coffee remover, the carpet stain may be there to stay.

2. Red Wine

Red wine can create stubborn stains due to the rich colour. When dealing with liquid spills, blot the area gently to remove excess liquid and organise to have a Drytron professional carpet cleaner come around to properly tackle the problem.

3. Ink

Avoid trying to get out ink spills by yourself as you can actually push the ink deeper into the fibres.

4. Grease or Oil

Grease or oil spills not only stain but can attract dirt and dust, doubling the problem.

5. Bleach

Ironically, bleach, often used for cleaning, can cause the most damage to the colour of your carpet. Since there’s no way to “remove” bleach stains, prevention is crucial. Always be cautious when using any products containing bleach near carpets.

Remember, applying home remedies to your spills may damage or discolour your carpet. Resist the urge to try it at home and get in touch with Drytron’s friendly expert team.

Complete a quote using our booking system or call our friendly team to discuss your carpet cleaning requirements.

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A coffee spill staining a beige carpet