Under the Rug: Your Guide to Carpet Cleaning Techniques

Trying to choose the right cleaning method for your carpet? Carpet cleaning is an important part of maintaining the longevity of your carpets. There are a wide array of different techniques used to clean carpets, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. This guide to carpet cleaning techniques can help you choose the right one for your needs.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning, also known as hot water extraction, involves injecting hot water and cleaning solution into the carpet, then extracting the dirty water and debris. However in high humidity environments or if proper drying techniques aren’t followed, the moisture can linger, leading to mould and mildew. This risk of excess dampness can be particularly concerning for anyone with allergies or respiratory sensitivities.

Dry Cleaning

You might know this one from your clothes. This technique uses special cleaning powders or solvents to lift dirt from the carpet fibres. Dry cleaning is quick and convenient, leaving your carpets ready for use in just a few hours.

Bonnet Cleaning

Bonnet cleaning uses a machine equipped with a spinning pad to clean the carpet fibres. The pad is moistened with a cleaning solution and then used to agitate the carpet, removing any muck hiding amongst the fibres. This technique is frequently used for spot cleaning and can be an effective alternative to shampooing. It’s also used alongside carpet dry cleaning.


Shampooing uses a cleaning solution and a machine to agitate the carpet fibres and remove the unwanted debris. Unfortunately, this method can leave a residue on your carpet fibres, which might attract even more dirt and dust in the future.

When choosing a cleaning method, consider the level of cleaning needed, the condition of the carpet, and your personal preferences. If in doubt, it’s best to ask a professional like Drytron for more information, and they can tailor the cleaning to your needs.

Top view of woman's sneakers standing on patterned clean carpet