How to Prepare for Carpet Cleaning

So, you’ve made your appointment and the cleaner is coming over soon. But what do you do to prepare for a carpet cleaning? We’ve put together a few simple steps on how to get your home ready for the cleaner to ensure the process goes quickly and effectively.

First, clear the area of any furniture or items that may be in the way. We love your interior design choices, but they’re covering our workspace. Move any roadblocks out of the room or to the centre of the room, making sure that the carpet is completely exposed. If you have anything too heavy to move, place some plastic covers over them to protect them.

Second, vacuum the carpet thoroughly. This will help to remove any loose dirt and debris that might interfere with the cleaning process. Make sure you pay special attention to high-traffic areas where dirt tends to accumulate, like your doorways and corners. We will also do a good carpet vacuum as part of our process.

Third, give the area a once over and spot clean any spills or stains. The carpet cleaner will be able to remove most of your stubborn stains, but it’s a good idea to give them a go before the cleaning appointment to help make sure they are completely removed. Sadly some stains and spills can’t be cleaned, but our technician can give you some advice, and give it a red hot go.

Finally, the most important tip of all: communication is key! Be sure to talk to your cleaner about any concerns or special requests you may have. Let them know if there’s any areas of the carpet that you would like to have cleaned a bit more thoroughly or if you have any specific requirements, such as chemical sensitivities or allergies.

By following these simple steps on how to prepare for your carpet cleaning appointment, you can help ensure the process goes smoothly and that your carpets come out looking their best!

Check out more information on our carpet cleaning service here.

A robotic vacuum cleaner next to a pile of dirt knocked onto carpet by a cat